Decoding myths around electric vehicles in India.


Electric vehicles have emerged as the new future with shifting ages and times. With the manufacture and use of electric cars, India is currently expanding and poised to take on new challenges. The market for electric cars is expanding due to rising gasoline prices, general conditions, and climate change. To address these developments, society is shifting toward better environmentally friendly solutions. The audience's acceptance of fictitious material that has been misrepresented to them is one of the obstacles to the EV revolution. Understanding the fallacies around electric vehicles is one of the difficulties an honest consumer encounters before considering one.

This blog makes an effort to dispel some of the myths that are frequently believed before individuals in India consider electric automobiles.

Responding to rumors

Myth 1: Since EVs aren't designed for long distances, how can they be charged?

Because they are concerned about the EV range and how far they can go, people are typically hesitant to purchase electric vehicles. Another issue that many people have is the lack of charging stations. However, the reality is that most people only go less than 50 km per day, thus they don't need more than a 100 km range every day. Instead of looking for a public charging station, they may easily charge at home throughout the course of the night to have a full battery for the following day. In addition, the infrastructure for EV charging is continuously growing, therefore India will soon have enough infrastructure to support its expanding EV industry.

Myth 2: More fast-charging locations are needed nationwide for EVs

Another common worry among those thinking about switching to electric vehicles is the necessity for more rapid charging stations everywhere, even if one can refuel their vehicle in minutes. However, only 10% of the total charge will be accounted for via rapid charging. Only in instances when vehicle usage is high and idle time is low, such as on highways or in commercial charging, would it be necessary. With brands installing customized charging stations at clients' homes and in public areas, this is also evolving.

Myth 3: E-pumps are required everywhere, much as gas stations.

People think that e-pumps, like gasoline pumps, are necessary. However, since there is adequate electricity to charge EVs everywhere, we do not need e-pumps around.

Therefore, we require public charging stations so that we may access energy in all parking spaces and locations such as stores, malls, and offices. Even Nevertheless, having a good infrastructure would make EV charging more convenient and affordable, especially for people who frequently travel large distances.

Myth 4: DC power outlets are necessary

The widespread but false notion that DC charging facilities are significantly more necessary is another barrier to people buying EVs. But speedy charging causes high currents and temperatures, which are known to put a lot of strain on batteries. Therefore, everyday DC rapid charging is not advised because it would reduce the vehicle's battery life and resale value.

Myth 5: The charger determines the charging pace.

At first sight, this could seem to be true, but it's not. The size of the battery, the rate at which the EV can receive the charge, the amperage of the circuit, and other components like the BMS and the off-board/onboard charger all affect how long it takes to charge an EV.

Myth 6: Charging and switching out batteries will be obsolete in the future.

Battery swapping is clearly a cutting-edge technology that enables rapid charging and benefits last-mile connections and two-wheeled e-bikes, but it is currently not practical for passenger e-cars due to the difficulty of transferring larger batteries.

Therefore, in light of the difficulties, battery switching and charging will coexist.

Myth 7: EVs are more complicated than ICE engines

Compared to ICE engines, EVs are thought to be more complex. In actuality, EVs are less complex than gasoline/ICE vehicles, which have more than 1000 moving components, and fewer than about 40 moving parts. EV customers should anticipate lower maintenance costs and environmental advantages over automobiles with internal combustion engines. Even after taking into account the electricity consumed for charging, electric vehicles often have a lower carbon footprint than gasoline-powered vehicles. The exhaust from electric vehicles (EVs) is completely clean.

Myth 8: The range of electric vehicles is insufficient to meet the needs of daily travel.

The driving range of an electric vehicle is more than adequate for everyday use.

The average daily distance traveled by a typical household is about 50 km, and electric vehicles (EVs) have enough range to accommodate this. Approximately 85% of households drive less than 100 kilometers per day on average. Nearly all modern EV models can travel more than 100 km on a single charge, with the majority of them exceeding 100 km on a completely charged battery. The upcoming years will see the introduction of even more long-range cars, according to automakers.

Myth 9: All electric cars are sedans.

There are now many different sizes and designs of electric vehicles. Beyond small sedan/compact variants, electric vehicles (EVs) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) are now offered in several vehicle classes. Presently, there are more than 50 PHEV and EV models available in the world. In the upcoming years, more models will be made available, increasing the variety of vehicle classes available.

Myth 10: There are no outlets anywhere.

The same type of socket that your toaster uses may be used to charge electric cars as well! There are numerous dedicated EV charging stations of various brands as well as specialized EV charging stations available when you need to recharge while driving. Many people just need to connect at home to fulfill their driving demands. The majority of electric cars (EVs) can be charged using a regular outlet. You can set up a special outlet or charging system to charge the car more quickly. In addition, EV charging stations are increasingly widespread as a building feature for people who live in apartments or condominiums. Additionally, workplace charging is expanding in popularity and there are an increasing number of public charging stations.

Myth 11: The production of batteries makes electric vehicles less environmentally friendly than gasoline-powered automobiles.

Even after accounting for manufacture, the lifetime greenhouse gas emissions of an electric vehicle are often fewer than those of a typical gasoline-powered vehicle. According to some research, manufacturing a standard electric automobile can emit more carbon dioxide than manufacturing a gasoline-powered car. This is due to the increased energy needed to produce the battery for an EV. Even yet, the overall greenhouse gas emissions produced during the production, charging, and driving of an EV are often fewer than the total GHGs produced during the lifetime of a gasoline-powered vehicle. This is due to the fact that EVs produce no tailpipe emissions and generally produce a lot fewer GHGs while in use. Through a reduction in the demand for new materials, recycling EV batteries can lower the emissions related to the production of an EV. Even if there are now certain difficulties, research is still being done to speed up the recycling of EV batteries.

Myth 12: Electric automobiles are less secure than their gasoline-powered counterparts.

Electric vehicles are required by law to meet the same safety standards as conventional vehicles. All vehicles sold in India must comply with safety regulations established by the Indian government. No matter if the vehicle is powered by gasoline or electricity, it must pass a stringent, time-honored testing procedure to meet these standards. Additionally, EVs include additional safety features that, in the event of an accident or short circuit, shut down the electrical system. The aforementioned EV prototypes have blown up due to bad management, inappropriate handling, ignorance, and heat waves, even in cases of EVs exploding. The current discoveries and developments will soon eliminate the myths surrounding them.


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