The Best Way To Take Care Of An Electric Vehicle During A Monsoon.

We are all in for the monsoon season, which has been long anticipated. Don't allow India's muggy weather to keep you from getting on your electric bike and taking it for a crazy ride. One may expect that once the weather takes control, there will be plenty of potholes, flooded streets, and the typical amount of humidity.

It can be challenging to ride an electric cycle in this turbulent weather. The reason? Since the monsoon has arrived, electric vehicle owners are bound to be concerned. Following are some measures one can take to ensure that they are prepared for the monsoon season.

1. Always use a certified charger. 

The original chargers that electric vehicles are equipped with are constructed with adequate covering shields and protective layers that prevent any type of short-circuit, sparks, current loss, etc. Therefore, it is advised that you always charge your EV using a charger provided by the OEM.

2. Monitor the battery:

 Monsoon humidity can cause mechanical parts, such as battery connectors, to corrode, which can shorten the battery's life and weaken it. The exterior of the EV can potentially be harmed by rain. Keep your electric bike, electric car, or other electric vehicle covered when parked to avoid this.

3. Charge in a dry location: 

While the electric car is being charged, lightning and thunderstorms may result in a surge in current. This can therefore cause harm to the internal circuits and the charging station. You can avoid this by charging your electric vehicle in a dry, covered area.

4. Braking: 

The growing rate of precipitation and humidity may have an impact on the braking system. It is crucial to get one's EVs properly serviced before the rainy gods unleash their vengeance on us mere mortals because the increased moisture could cause the brake to lose its responsiveness. This will stop the cyclist from unnecessarily slipping on the pavement.

5. Wiring: 

Raindrops hit the exterior body first and subsequently soak within. Due to apparent reasons, EVs have a lot of electrical components. The rider should ensure that all of the wires are well insulated to prevent any sort of accident by performing timely maintenance.

6. Tyres: 

If you're using an electric bicycle, check that the fenders are installed and firmly fastened to prevent water damage to the back of your clothing.

To get a flawless experience, it ultimately comes down to having your EV properly serviced and maintained. If you're in the area of Mumbai or Bengaluru, get in touch with our service channel partners, EV Jagat or Bike Innovations, to take care of your EV needs.

Visit our headquarters for the same if you're nearby Ahmedabad. Don't let the monsoons control how you ride!

Check our latest blog "How to travel long distances with your e-bike."


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